Police Have Been More Aggressive With Black People


(Image via CNN)

Gladys Garcia Vasquez, Writer

According to CBS News, 164 Black people killed “police in the US killed 164 Black people in the first 8 months of 2020,” which is extremely crazy seeing that most of the people getting killed by police are Black people. “Police have killed at least one Black man or woman every week in 2020,” which is brutal that police are killing at least one Black person. When George Floyd died because a Minneapolis cop kneeled on his neck for about 8 minutes, that made the people start protesting. They want justice and they want change for this country. They want to stop racism and for the police to stop killing black people when they are not doing anything to this country. Even if people protest for a change cops still keep killing Black men and women. “If you want peace work for justice.”

From May 26 to August 31, police in the U.S. killed 288 people. According to data police violence have lists of people who have been killed by cops. Since the death of George, the cops have been killing more. From the data from January 1 to May 25 of 2020, Black people are approximately 3 times more likely to be killed by police than white people, but from “May 26 to August 31, they were about 3.3 times more likely.” This means that Black people are more at risk to get killed more than white people.

“For years, data has shown that black people are far more likely to be killed by police than people of other race” The data of the 288 people that have been killed by the police:59 were Black, 102 were White, 42 were Hispanic/Latin, 2 were Native American, 78 are unknown.

Black men are at a high risk of being killed by the police. 1 out of 1,000 people can be expected to be killed Still killing Black people. Black people are more likely to get killed by police even if they do or do not have a weapon. 8.7% of the time white people are killed by police and 12.8% of the time black people are killed by police. And those people were unarmed. 

In these two places they have not had a report of killings by police this year and the places are Rhode Island and Vermont, which is good because this shows that there are some places that they have some respect for people.

 Only 24 of the cases have been stopped for carrying a weapon. And 51 cases were not found with weapons but they still killed them. The reason why they shot them was that they were running away from the police. But if they were running away from the police why shoot them until death? 

There are 123 victims and 121 were Black men which they have been killing more black men than any other men. We raise our voice to have changes in life but there are people who don’t understand and come to think that the police that kill a Black person don’t get punished for what they did is not okay to us. We want justice for all those Black people.