My Junior Year

Image via Leslie Garcia
June 17, 2022
I’m not sure where to start or what to say. This year was technically my “official” first year of high school since freshman year was affected by covid. Kinda a bummer but I had an “extra” two weeks of school off for spring break. That turned into a month and later on a whole year. This year was different even though we did have some time off because there weren’t enough teachers available to teach for a while. Well, we did have like what? One or two weeks off this year? But hey, I’m not complaining because it wasn’t a year. I know everyone says that high school has been a roller coaster, but it really has. I mean, at least I can say that for myself. Transitioning from being online for 1.5 years and going back to school was kinda hard because we had gotten used to doing school at home and then all of a sudden we were going back in person. But I’m glad we were able to go back to school this year. Freshman year passed by really fast since half of it was online but the thing I enjoyed before the pandemic happened was probably homecoming. Even though we didn’t have one this year, I’m thankful I did freshman year, at least I got to experience it for one time. There wasn’t anything exciting that happened sophomore year but I enjoyed being at home and mostly in my room for most of the time. I liked getting ready for school every day but I also liked being able to do school work at home. I didn’t have to wake up too early, which let’s be honest, we all probably would wake up 10-15 minutes before class started, or even 5 minutes on some days. When I found out that we would be going back to school in person, I was kinda indecisive at first about whether I was going to go back in person or would stay online. I’m glad that I chose in person because it’s been really fun and I enjoy coming to school. This year we didn’t have homecoming but we did have a prom. I had never gone to prom before but I loved it. The DJ played good music and it was such a fun experience. Something that I really enjoyed about prom was seeing everyone have a good time. We all kinda forgot about covid but you could see how everyone was enjoying it and they seemed genuinely happy. Hopefully next school year we are able to have homecoming and prom. As the year is now coming to an end, it makes me sad knowing I’m going to be a senior. But, I am excited to see what the future holds for me and what I will become. I’m also very nervous about next year but I know everything will be fine. Something I’m not looking forward to for senior year is leaving my favorite teachers and friends. But I’m looking forward to leaving this school and starting a new chapter in my life.