Letter From the Former Editor

(Image via Pinterest)

Lizzie Lohrer, Editor-in-Chief

Dear Reader, 

When I took up the mantle of Editor-in-Chief two years ago, I could never have imagined what was in store for me. I had no idea that I’d spend more than half of the next two years at home due to a deadly pandemic. I had no idea that I’d still be able to work on new projects, such as our podcast. I had no idea that we’d still manage to produce two printed editions despite the odds being stacked against us. 

Of course, if I had to choose, I would have rather been in person for the last year of school, but I am so proud of everything we’ve been able to accomplish, both before and during the pandemic. While I am so sad to be leaving The Advocate team after graduation, I know that the team I am leaving in charge is more than capable of continuing and expanding The Advocate. 

Getting to work on The Advocate the past four years has changed me for the better in so many ways. I have grown not just as a writer but as a person and citizen. The Advocate has allowed me to find my love for politics and has had a huge influence on my goals for myself. Being a part of this amazing team has taught me the power of teamwork, and allowed me to hope that I can find others who share my goals for bringing more good into the world. This experience has taught me the value of hard work and passion, and while I will greatly miss working on this paper and with our writers, I can’t wait to apply the skills I have learned to new projects in college. 

I am so grateful to be able to hand off the role of Editor-in-Chief to Micaela Gaither, who I know is more than capable of filling it. Her dedication and work ethic never fail to astound me, and I know that there is nothing she can’t do when she puts her mind to it. I am proud to be able to call her my successor, and I have absolutely no doubt that she will exceed all my expectations and do great things next year. 

I also am extremely grateful for the support of Ms. Nelson, who has never failed to believe in me and encourages me to pursue what I’m interested in. Every time I came to class with another idea about how to make The Advocate even better, she would listen with an open mind and help make sure that my ideas and the ideas of our editing team were implemented smoothly. I can’t say enough how thankful I am for her unwavering help and support these four years.

Lastly, thank you, readers, for allowing us to do what we do. Thank you. 


Lizzie Lohrer

(Former) Editor-in-Chief