Counseling at FGHS


(Image via Howard University Counseling Service)

Jennifer Campos, Writer

Many students have complained about how the counselors in FGHS don’t have enough time to be attending to students. The counselors are very busy every day dealing with different things like meetings and talking to students’ parents. The counselors are people who try to be there for their students when they have problems and are there for moral support. Talking to your counselor and getting to know them helps in the process of making a relationship with them. Sometimes students don’t feel comfortable when having to share certain information with others or the school counselors because they feel that they can’t be trusted but that’s not true. Counselors in FGHS try hard to build relationships with students because it’s the right way to find a solution to any problems you might have. 

The fact that the counselors have a busy schedule shouldn’t stop you from trying to make an appointment with them when you have a problem. Their job is to be there for you and to help you succeed in your daily life in and out of school. This helps you see how much they truly care about you and any problems you might have outside of school. They always try to get back to students and try to take in as many students as they can because they are concerned for you and genuinely care about how you feel overall. Counselors help you see things in a new way. When you have a problem they tend to give you options on how you need to handle a situation. Counselors are great people to talk to when you have problems, when you’re sad or even when you’re happy.

Building relationships with your counselor is very important because they have to get to know you in order to help you solve your issues.  Sometimes students tend to have short responses because of the fact that they don’t have a relationship with their counselor and that makes a really big difference. If the counselor doesn’t know you then they won’t know what would be a better approach for you to take when dealing with an issue. Counselors give you a therapeutic approach when dealing with stress, anger, or sadness. They sometimes help you put your life on track by giving great advice and helping you find the missing pieces that you needed to feel better. They help you figure out what you need to do in order to not be stressed or angry. They try to help you in every way they can to make you less stressed and instead, more happy. They enjoy when they feel trusted instead of being seen as a stranger. They try to be as close as possible to you so they can help you build a plan for you to solve your problem.

Not everyone needs counseling but that doesn’t mean that you should cross it out when you have an issue because sometimes it can be your answer. Sometimes you leave the counselor’s office feeling better or feeling not so great but that doesn’t mean that you are leaving without a plan. You will always find comfort and will be at ease after you have figured what your next step will be taking because won’t be clueless. Trust needs to be built and after that your life will be easier and will learn to appreciate everything they do. Don’t shut counselors out because sometimes that will be something that could change your life.