Jessica Brewer, Series Editor
Jessica Brewer is the section editor for the series, creative writing, and photography sections. She has been writing for the Advocate for 3 1/4 years. Her astrological zodiac sign is Leo, rising sign is Gemini, and moon sign is Taurus. She likes to cry, sleep, overextend on extra-curricular activities, and write about the rage inducing topics of the world. Her favorite class is Journalism, at the moment, and when she graduates, she’ll probably hop on the college train and ride that bi’h until she gets her masters degree in a biology/chemistry based major. She saves lives by sitting in a chair for 3 hours straight, watching people swim. Currently, she is shaking from the stress of her existence, whilst forcefully chucking peers “above the line”. Hit her up if you like the moon, succulents, or witchcraft.