In a world where consumerism is often glorified and instant gratification is just a swipe away, learning how to save money is one of the most valuable skills a teenager can develop. Cultivating good financial...
High school is a time of learning, developing, and growing; along with that always comes failure. For most students, failure is seen as something to avoid or be frowned upon and is a sign you are not good...
My dearest little underclassman,
As an established member of this school, don’t stress too much during your first year. Keep your grades up, but don’t worry too much about bad grades or changing...
Hello to FGHS Freshmen.
Welcome to our High School, where we accept all identities and genders. I hope you’ll grow to enjoy this place as much as I have. This place has a ton of stuff for you to choose...
High school is 4 years that won't prepare you for much, only how to be social or pursue solitary confinement if you choose that path. Other than that, you have to figure yourself out and hope...
Dear Freshmen,
During freshman year, teachers tend to go easy on you. Grades are easier to keep up, depending on the classes you’re taking. It’s not quite the same during your sophomore year. Classes...
As I am going into my senior year, I have 3 years of high school experience under my belt and I would like to share some of the things I have learned over the years to help you get through high school...
You are probably nervous about your next year as a sophomore. I want to give you guys some advice so that you are more prepared and ready for this next year in high school.
Don’t slack...
Eighth grade is an important year in a student's academic life. Middle school's final year is a time of transition, full of excitement and hardships. Here are some key pieces of advice to navigate through...
By now, you might think you have gotten the hang of keeping balance in your life. It can be managing your life, goals, plans, and relationships. It can be difficult when you have to take control of your...
Dear lower-classmen, here is my advice to improve your future and to make yourself feel better in stressful situations. Be kind to yourself and make sure you are your number one priority, don’t worry...
If you're starting 10th grade next year, this is going to be a wild ride. Full of ups and downs, but also some of the best times of your life. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of it. First...