As the temperature drops and the days become shorter, many of us find ourselves coming across changes in mood and energy levels. This phenomenon, commonly known as seasonal depression or seasonal affective...
In the tapestry of human emotions, irritability often lurks in the shadows, ready to unravel the fabric of our interactions and well-being. It's a common yet frequently misunderstood phenomenon that manifests...
In a world where efficiency and productivity reign supreme, the notion of feeling replaceable can weigh heavily on the human psyche. Whether in the workplace, relationships, or society at large, the fear...
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The first thing asks for when you make an account is your age. You must be at least 18 years old to use it. Even MyFitnessPal agrees that kids shouldn’t be using it,...
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As a person with mental health issues, I believe that hobbies are very important for one’s sanity. Many people enjoy hobbies such as drawing, dancing, playing sports, and playing video...
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“Guinea Pigs are like oversized hamsters” I first thought, but they can also be really tiny pigs in reference to their name. Guinea pigs are small rodents, much larger than hamsters...
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1 in 4 people living in Oregon struggle with mental health. While the pandemic played a role in this fact, another contributing factor is the lack of sun people in Oregon receive daily....
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Up to 10% of people in the United States are affected by seasonal depression, depending on where they live. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder that occurs at the same...
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Three years ago I had zero hobbies, played no sports, hardly hung out with friends, and did nothing except scroll on social media for hours. Three years ago I was also at my lowest point...
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When someone close to you is going through something, usually all you want to do is comfort them. However, choosing words to help someone is difficult. What you say matters, and how you...
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Social media promotes body positivity through campaigns, yet doesn’t stop people from comparing themselves to photoshopped images and unrealistic beauty standards. During our lifespan,...
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Living and surviving are different. Of course, you are alive. Your heart is pumping, your blood is flowing, but are you living? Reading this right now is proof you are alive. Surviving...