Hamilton- He Blew Us All Away

Tara Palazuelos, Writer

Have you ever wondered who the face on the ten dollar bill belongs to? Well as the opening number of the hottest show on Broadway so eloquently states, that face belongs to the “founding father without a father” Alexander Hamilton.

Written in full by Lin-Manuel Miranda this show took the world by storm, premiering January 20, 2015 at The Public Theatre in New York and moving in less than 8 months to the Richard Rogers Theater on Broadway. The show has already won many awards including the 2016 Grammy award for best musical. Furthermore this show has received astronomical advance box office sales and critical acclaim. Interestingly enough Miranda’s project began as a Mixtape after reading the 2004 biography Alexander Hamilton.

The show consists of two acts. The first explores the beginnings of Alexander Hamilton, orphan turned Washington’s right hand man, during the revolutionary war, and the second explores his life as he shapes America. Not only does the piece include a cast rich in diversity but also is a provocative look into the beginnings of our Nation.

This show has us all completely Satisfied. From Jonathan Groff’s portrayal of King George, and Leslie Odom Jr.’s villainous ‘Aaron Burr’ to Phillipa Soo, Jasmine Cephas Jones, and Renee Goldsberry’s ‘Schuyler Sisters’ to the   orphan, founding father without a father, who wove his way into our heart with his lamenting letters to Eliza, and Angelica, and his ferocity to fight for his country. Lin-Manue blew us all away with his masterpiece that is changing the contemporary musical-theater landscape.