THE RADISH “Senior English Teachers declare ‘Senior (English Teacher) Skip Day’ on Friday, rejoice as student population panics”

Eli Gale, Writer

FOREST GROVE, OREGON- As tensions for the approaching Senior Projects reached a peak on Friday, an astonishing message was sent when Forest Grove English Teachers, specifically those with Seniors in their classes, announced “Senior (English Teacher) Skip Day”. Administration has been turning a blind eye as teachers don’t show up to work, and refused to comment when questioned. As the English Teachers catch up on sleep at their homes, students have been protesting saying “It’s not fair. We put our time and energy into these projects and presentations and that they aren’t showing up, it’s incredibly disrespectful”. These protests have come with a shocking flip of student opinion on the closed campus policy, as long as it were to be extended to teachers as well. When this reporter left the school, students were seen turning to the occult and mystical in desperation as the Senior Project hall was being closed for grading. One student said, when interviewed “I just feel really unappreciated. I was up really late last night getting everything ready, about a subject that I feel passionate about. I can’t believe my teacher would do this to me. I can’t imagine another situation where such disrespect for people’s passions and work are showed with such blatant disregard.”