A Fight For Rights


Image via Miami Standard

Grace Shaw, Writer

     Everyone at some point in their lives thinks about making a difference, changing something this world has produced. This world has produced leaders, leaders we are supposed to support and look up to protect our rights to be human. Being a leader means having millions look to you, trust you, and support you but having the wrong leader for the occasion or even letting them become one makes the world an angrier place. For example, in the Jane Roe and Henry Wade debate that is currently being held in the supreme court, Jane Roe is advocating for all women worldwide, while they let Wade, a man, speak on women’s rights. See the issue here? Why is there a man being given the right to speak for women’s bodily autonomy?

     To further expand on the largely underestimated issue being presented in front of us, we as a society have made it socially acceptable to speak for women, present their problems to us, and make worldwide decisions for female bodily autonomy. That has to lead to why no one will take women seriously when it narrows down to what we want to do with our bodies because for so long we’ve been shunned and controlled by these men’s forces. When it comes to politics of course the masses will side with the man because, what do we females know about our own body, right? Letting men make decisions for women, will eventually run the world, because women are the only ones capable of reproducing, the future of the world is in women’s hands and people fail to realize this. 

     Controlling a women’s bodily autonomy doesn’t just mean stopping abortions, it means stopping safe abortions. Women are victims of many health conditions that make having a baby fatal for the mom, and in the end, the baby will truly have no mother, especially if the woman or girl is a victim of rape. Making a child, or a woman having another man’s baby when that man has more likely than not ruined the woman’s life. With this being presented, women will always find a way to do what’s best for them or the fetus they’re carrying, whether it is safe or not; many women dating back centuries ago have found unsafe ways just to make sure they both have a better life. Bringing a baby into the world while the mother is not ready or does not want a child, will hurt the child more long term when it doesn’t have a loving mother. The stereotype that women are made to bear children, has been so impressed onto females that these ideas that women need to have children have made these issues like Roe V. Wade, The Suffrage Debate, and many more almost impossible for us women to win. 

      Even as a woman who loves women, advocating for female rights is what I will continue to do because anyone can be a victim, and taking away those rights will ruin this society. The more advocators this world has the harder we can fight to keep the rights that we have rightfully fought for in the past.