

Image via Rowan Kalhar

Rowan Kalhar, Editor


I hope you find yourself someday

In the middle of a field 

Full of flowers and heartbreak


I hope you find yourself someday

Lost in a city you’ve been to so many times before

Full of strength and curiosity


I hope you find yourself someday

In the midst of a conversation with a stranger

Full of strife and hurt


I hope you find yourself someday

Crying in your room

Full of heartache and joy


I hope you find yourself someday

Lost and scared

But never alone


I hope you find yourself someday

In a place you never thought you’d be 

Thinking that you’ll never make it out


I hope you find yourself someday

In a storm of thoughts and feelings

That you don’t know if you’ll fall to


I hope you find yourself someday

In a place of happiness and change

Where you always know you’re safe


I hope you find yourself someday.