Climate Change Affects Miami, Florida


(Image via Flapol)

Joselyn Gonzalez, Writer

Climate change has been a big deal and has affected many places around the whole world. For example, the rainforest is suffering from tragic events and is currently affecting the temperature of the water. Places that are close to any type of large body of water is currently under fire with changes in their environment. One of the most impacted places is Miami, Florida.  Florida’s peninsulas temperature has risen more than one-degree during this century. Aside from that, the sea has risen about one inch every decade.  With rising temperatures and larger bodies of water, storms are more likely to increase their appearances and the damage would be more severe than its current impact.

Since Miami’s climate is drastically changing, this can affect the animals and marine environment that happen to live near those sections. If Marine life doesn’t adapt to these temperatures, their whole species will most likely die slowly and face extinction. Some nearby coral reefs are losing their color and they are slowly dying within these conditions. One degree higher might not seem like a lot currently, but if this pattern keeps on occurring, Florida Peninsula says that by 2030, our currently safe environment would be more likely to be in great danger. 

The rising sea levels are one of the most concerning factors. Every year, one inch is being added to the water level. These changes will make life in Florida much harder. Storms are currently increasing due to this factor. A known source has concluded that Florida has had a total of about 73 storms from 2000 to the present day. Close to the Atlantic ocean and the golf course of Florida the land itself is sinking. Within a short period of time, families and innocent people will have to evacuate their property. It isn’t safe for people to keep living in these conditions and things will only get worse over time.

Those storms have caused major damage since they contain more rain and more wind as there more water. Due to larger storm impacts, coral reefs are being harmed in the process of these hurricanes or thunderstorms. Marine animals are being killed and their homes are being destroyed. According to a study, the increasing sea levels are being monitored and it’s been concluded that every year 1 inch of water is being added. These numbers will only go up due to our poor understanding of climate change or poor actions we have done to the earth.

As of September, they are calling these floods and sea levels a “life or death” case for people who live around that area.  A known source recorded a terrified citizen-state “Climate change is a slow-moving change – the heat increasing over time, sea-level rise…but hurricane risk is here and now. That’s what keeps me up at night,”. These thoughts consumed property owners in Miami but the scary part is they aren’t wrong.

Overall, Miami is majorly impacted by climate change. Their rising sea levels, stormy conditions,  rising temperatures have shaped Florida in different ways. These concerning conditions have raised alerts and worries within the community.