The Ambidextrous Artists

If I were to tell you that there are people who have the ability to use both hands equally, would you believe me? I hope so because there actually are people who can do such an act. Though many don’t really use this as an advantage towards art or even use it at all it’s still an interesting ability some people have. However, I did stumble across a man who has used this skill and mixed it with his artistic skills. His name is Toru, and though not much is known about him, we know he’s from Tokyo and has created amazing pieces of art.

I researched more about people like Toru and I have stumbled across another man, Martin Tardy. Though having the same ability as Toru, he does struggle with dyslexia and has a really unique art style. He is seen drawing with a single line with both hands at the same time, his piece is called “Asynchron Groß 2.”  Martin Tardy also has the ability to draw with 2 pencils with his left hand, now that’s a challenge for many of us. His style of art truly is amazing. It might just look like art, but to truly understand how amazing it is you must see the process of his work.

After learning more of these people and what they are able to do, I came to feeling envious of them because, to have such a talent many people want got me realizing how Toru and Martin used the ability not for nothing, but for art. Just imagine the feeling of having such a talent, the feeling to express yourself more than just using one hand, it’s like a dance with your own hands, a dance that creates art in its own unique way, your way.

Also, keep in mind that some ambidextrous artist is able to draw two things at the same time, the concentration needed to do finish a piece like that is amazing. I consider them an inspiration and hope to be just as good as them. Many people lack the need for art, but I feel as if all they need is inspiration and practice by watching those with skill.