The World Series stands as the pinnacle of Major League Baseball (MLB), an iconic tradition that has defined the sport for over a century. Every fall, teams from the American League and the National League...
Halloween is a popular holiday celebrated every year on October 31st, promising a night of spooky fun and festivity. This tradition is enjoyed by people all over the world, including the United States,...
The Miami Dolphins are one of the most well-known teams in the NFL, with a history full of great players and unforgettable moments. The team was founded in 1965 by Joe Robbie and actor Danny Thomas, and...
Wingstop is a super popular restaurant/fast food restaurant. They sell mainly chicken including tenders, wings, boneless wings, chicken sandwiches, sides of veggies, different options of fries, etc. They...
Taco Bell is a worldwide food franchise with over 8,000 restaurants across 30 countries around the world. Taco Bell is Mexican-inspired food, however, some people say it should not be considered Mexican...
Volleyball is a game played by two teams with six players on each side, in which the players use their hands to hit the ball back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball hit the ground of their...
The Salem witch trials began in the spring of 1962 in Salem, Massachusetts. When a group of girls said the devil had possessed them. They went on to accuse several women in their village of witchcraft....
Diversity has been a problem for a very long time. We have been through thick and thin just to get to the point we are today. The history of when people were welcome and accepted is a very long list that...
With Betsy Ross’s flag held high and soldiers slowly taking the high ground, we won the battle against Britain in Yorktown with many casualties and hard work leading up to the fight. In order to understand...
Greece and Rome have been at each other's throats for as long as Rome has been Rome. The Roman people were originally known as Etruscans until the Latins kicked them out. Rome has been to war with Greece...
Did you know that the use of evergreen trees was to celebrate the winter season before the birth of Christ? If so you might ask yourself, why do we decorate trees on Christmas? Well, Christmas trees were...