The World Series stands as the pinnacle of Major League Baseball (MLB), an iconic tradition that has defined the sport for over a century. Every fall, teams from the American League and the National League...
Halloween is a popular holiday celebrated every year on October 31st, promising a night of spooky fun and festivity. This tradition is enjoyed by people all over the world, including the United States,...
The Miami Dolphins are one of the most well-known teams in the NFL, with a history full of great players and unforgettable moments. The team was founded in 1965 by Joe Robbie and actor Danny Thomas, and...
Wingstop is a super popular restaurant/fast food restaurant. They sell mainly chicken including tenders, wings, boneless wings, chicken sandwiches, sides of veggies, different options of fries, etc. They...
Taco Bell is a worldwide food franchise with over 8,000 restaurants across 30 countries around the world. Taco Bell is Mexican-inspired food, however, some people say it should not be considered Mexican...
Volleyball is a game played by two teams with six players on each side, in which the players use their hands to hit the ball back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball hit the ground of their...
Frank Sinatra Jr. was kidnapped on December 8th, 1963. Frank Sinatra Jr. was a new singer. The two high school students who kidnapped him had been following the 19-year-old singer around towns and cities...
A routine NYPD raid of the local LGBTQ+ club, the Stonewall Inn, occurred on June 28th, 1969. The Stonewall Riots, or Stonewall Rebellion, were six days of protesting in response to the blatant homophobia...
Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas. Earhart openly defied traditional gender roles from a young age. She played basketball, took a course on auto repair, and shortly attended...
Many people raise the question of why Hitler was such a horrible person. Many people are horrible. He was just put in charge. How did he get where he was though?
Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889,...
The Holocaust was a mass genocide event that happened shortly before and during WW2. Adolf Hilter was the main man in charge, and he was the one that began the holocaust. He became chancellor in 1933 which...
Feminism has a long and challenging history. French philosopher Charles Fourier coined the term feminism in 1837. The first attempt to organize a women’s rights movement was around July 1848 in Seneca...