Shameless US is an 11-season drama TV series remake of the British TV series and it aired from 2011 to 2021. This show follows the dysfunctional Gallagher family, living in poverty in the South Side of Chicago. It begins with Frank Gallagher, the single father of 6 kids who always wants it his way and is a drunkard who will do anything for money. Fiona, the eldest daughter, takes on the responsibility of her siblings as early as the age of 9 to get them through their broken household. Phillip, AKA Lip, is the second oldest. He’s the smartest out of everyone but also has his stubbornness and anger issues. Ian, the gay son, faces mental health issues while also working hard for what he wants. Debbie is the young daughter and sweetest little girl who grew up too fast. Carl, the known troublemaker, becomes a disciplined adult. And lastly Liam, the baby of the family. Monica, the mother, is also seen in the show but is mostly absent and known for abandoning her children, she also suffers from bipolar disorder and addiction.
When I first watched this show, it didn’t catch my interest until I was 3-4 episodes into it. I then began to understand all the characters and enjoy their humor. I enjoyed watching how this family all pitched in and managed to get by in the world without parents. Throughout the whole 11 seasons, the Gallagher family faces daily challenges, addiction, and relationship issues between them. The show just proves that while they go through all these things in their daily lives, their bond and loyalty to each other is the power that brings them happiness. Shameless is such a raw TV show that, even if it makes you uncomfortable, it shows real life and reality for some people. The dark side of things got people hooked like me. I also really enjoy how each character is very different from one another and it makes viewers feel connected to a certain character because they may relate to their situation. They each find their own identities like their sexuality, relationships, and careers for the future. Shameless shows the way they support but hurt each other at the same time and that for sure caught viewers’ attention. Despite all the chaos and dysfunction that goes on in their home, there’s a strong sense of family and survival that makes them keep going. I also really liked their acting and the way they made everything seem so realistic like I was living through it with them, for example, Fiona. Emmy Rossum, Fiona’s actress, really makes it all come to life. She was definitely the perfect choice to show a struggling young woman that made it to become a successful businesswoman in the future.
Overall I enjoy the switch from happiness to the miserable truth in the show. Yes, it’s entertaining, but with a bit of reality for us all. Shameless is a TV show that honestly portrays a poor, troubled family. It has complicated characters, intense storylines, and many challenging topics. I most definitely recommend you binge-watch this show, you won’t regret it!