Unravel Me Book Summary

Image via Goodreads
October 17, 2022
The second book in the Shatter Me series, acclaimed by The New York Times Bestseller young adult fantasy hexalogy Shatter Me is Unravel Me. This continues the adventure from the first book. Unravel Me is a book full of adventure, emotion, and tension with great views of the characters. You get a more in-depth perspective of the main characters, showing their good and bad side.
The first book left off with Juliette getting settled in at Omega Point. Winston made Juliette a suit that she can wear to be able to touch others without hurting/injuring them. The suit made her feel powerful, powerful enough to make her decide that she is ready to fight to bring down The Reestablishment.
Juliette is sitting in the training room when Castle comes in and says, “Ah, Ms. Ferrars. I don’t know what you hope to accomplish by sitting in the corner.” She tries to look at Castle but can’t, so she whispers an apology instead. Juliette is trying to learn to harness her energy but is getting frustrated with the results of not being able to do it. Originally, Castle wanted Juliette to work alone, but with her progress, he is having her work with Kenji. Castle has also become concerned with Juliette because she has withdrawn from everyone at Omega Point. He gave her a lecture about being more involved with everyone, and that they are running out of time to train her for the war that is coming.
Adam snuck into Juliette’s room to see her. The rules at Omega Point are strict. Boys and Girls have to stay in their dormitories, and everyone needs to be in their rooms by lights out. Adam and Juliette rarely see each other anymore because they stay in different rooms, and have different schedules. They embrace each other in a hug before Adam presses his lips to the top of Juliette’s head. Juliette asks how Adam is doing, but he just laughs and kisses her. Adam gets pushed up against the wall when he suddenly pulls back and bangs his head against the wall. “Are you okay?” Juliette asks. He says he thought he heard someone outside. Juliette reaches up to touch his head, but he flinches away before she can. Adam confesses that he is losing his mind. He can’t sleep, he thinks about her all the time, and that he wants her. He says to just forget it and that he should go. She tells him that everything is okay, but he says that’s not what Castle thinks. She realizes that he is not talking about their relationship anymore, he is talking about the tests that Castle is running on him to see if he has an ability too. They don’t know anything conclusive yet, but before Adam can explain more, Sonya and Sara walk in. Adam leaves before they can question him, and before they can ask Juliette anything, the lights go out.
The next morning, Kenji meets Juliette for breakfast. Juliette grabs a tray and keeps walking to the heart of the kitchen to get food. “So, what–you just walk right past me? Don’t even say hello? I’m crushed. I saved us a table and everything?” Juliette just keeps on walking when Kenji catches up and complains, “I’m serious. Do you have any idea how awkward it is to wave at someone and have them ignore you? And then you’re just looking around like a Jacka*s, trying to be all, ‘No, really, I swear, I know that girl’ and no one believes y-” Juliette cuts him off and tells him that he has spoken to her once in the two weeks that she has been here, and that she hardly even notices him anymore. Before Juliette can keep walking, he blocks her path and points out that there is no way that she hasn’t noticed all this gesturing to himself. Juliette tells him that he is insane when Kenji falls to his knees and says, “Insane for your sweet, sweet love!” She knows she is joking, but she might be the only one.
“‘What? Does my love embarrass you?’”
“‘Please-please get up-and lower your voice-’”
‘“Hell no”’
‘“Why not?’”
‘“Because if I lower my voice, I won’t be able to hear myself speak. And that is my favorite part. Don’t deny me, Juliette. I’m a lonely man.’”
“‘What is wrong with you?’”
“You’re breaking my heart.” His voice is even louder now when Juliette realizes that he entertains everyone. Kenji is the only source of entertainment Omega Point has. Juliette finds Adam watching with his tray in hand. She starts to make her way over to him when Kenji jumps up to join her when she pushes him away. Eventually, Juliette and Adam make their way to the table where Kenji is at. Castle comes up to check on Adam and Juliette when Adam and Castle start arguing about Juliette and Adam training together. Castle claims that this is for her and that it has nothing to do with Adam’s progress. Juliette tries to find out what progress Adam has made, but no one answers her. Castle asks Juliette if she would be interested, but says that she doesn’t even know what they are talking about. Castle then asks Adam if he has shared their discoveries with Juliette. Adam says that it is none of Castle’s business and storms away.
Juliette convinces Kenji to show her where Adam went. They go down a series of corridors to a hidden research lab. There are 20 rooms made of glass walls. When Juliette looks through one of them, she sees Adam in pain. Juliette goes to find Castle to confront him because he is hurting Adam. When she confronts him, they start yelling at each other and Juliette punches the floor in rage. She has caused a minor earthquake underground, almost destroying Omega Point. From the sudden use of energy, Juliette blacks out and wakes up in the infirmary with her arm in pain. Sonya tells Juliette that she has been unconscious for 3 days. Juliette then realizes that the healers can’t touch her, and that it is a miracle that she has even survived. Kenji comes in later to the infirmary to confront Juliette about her actions since she arrived. He says that he can’t tell anymore whether she is serious about controlling her ability or if she is a spy from The Reestablishment. She tells him she is serious about controlling her ability. He then tells her six o’clock tomorrow morning they are going to train. Later that day, Juliette meets with Castle in her bedroom with Adam to discuss what is happening. Castle explains that Adam can disable someone’s ability when he touches them. When Castle finished explaining how Adam’s ability works, he told Juliette that her relationship with Adam could potentially hurt or even kill Adam because he has to work to defend himself. Castle explains that they shouldn’t be together until both of them learn to control their abilities.
Juliette tries to run out of the room, but Adam stops her before she can reach the door. Castle left the room to give them their privacy. Adam asks if she is mad and Juliette says she is not, but their relationship can no longer go on. Adam is now begging Juliette that they can make it work. Juliette notices that she is cornered and has nowhere to go. Before Juliette can do anything, Adam kisses her. They fall back on the bed when Juliette sees Adam wheezing because he can’t breathe. Adam is now in the infirmary indefinitely. Juliette is in the training room waiting for Kenji. When Kenji arrives, he takes Juliette to a room full of people. Kenji explains that they are going to go above ground to steal supplies from The Reestablishment.
When everyone gets above ground, Kenji uses his ability to make everyone invisible to get into the compounds. Everyone splits up and Juliette is heading to the compound, she notices Warner standing 20 feet in front of her. Juliette follows Warner to a fenced-off area. She sees him smiling, petting a dog. Warner is easily the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. Juliette stands up to leave but stumbles and Warner makes eye contact with her. Before Warner can act, Kenji turns Juliette invisible, making Warner think that it was his imagination. On the way to the compound, Kenji gives Juliette a lecture about her stupidity and says they will discuss it more later, but they have to hurry. The team gets all the supplies they need and head back to Omega Point.
The next day, Juliette talks to other people whom she recognized from yesterday and becomes more friendly with others. She starts to go sit next to Kenji and the others when Adam asks if he can talk to her alone. Adam asks Juliette to say something. Juliette confesses that she will always love him, but it can’t work because she doesn’t want to hurt him. Adam says that she is hurting him now, and all Juliette says is that she wishes she could love him less, then she runs to the training room. Kenji is the first to find her. He tells her to get up and that they have work to do. He picks up a brick and tells Juliette to break it. Kenji tells her to focus her emotions on the brick. Juliette does what he tells her to do and without even realizing it, she crushed the brick. They spend the rest of the day training.
The following days are the same, sleep, eat, and train. Juliette meets with Kenji, Brendan, and Winston. Winston tells them that the patrols are getting weirder instead of worse. The night before last, there were around fifty soldiers above ground searching for Omega Point, but last night there were zero. Winston told Castle about it an hour ago. Brendan starts teasing Winston about how he hasn’t gotten any sleep. Before Brendan can keep teasing him, Winston goes to get coffee. Juliette asks Kenji what they are going to do today. Kenji says that he is going to teach her how to shoot.
Juliette wakes up to Sonya and Sara telling her that Kenji needs her and that something has happened. Juliette walks out the door and runs into Adam and Kenji. Kenji said that it is an emergency, and they have to meet with Castle. When they enter Castle’s office, he immediately starts explaining what is going on. The supreme commander has arrived at Sector 45. Castle explains that the supreme commander is Warner’s father. “There are six supreme commanders around the world, one for each of the six divisions: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Each section is divided into 555 sectors, for a total of 3,330 sectors around the globe. Warner’s father is not only in charge of this continent, he is also one of the founders of The Reestablishment, and currently our biggest threat.” Castle explains. Warner’s father has come to punish Omega Point and his son for letting Juliette escape. Castle explains that Warner’s father wants to talk. Kenji tells him that it is a setup, but Castle says they have to because he has taken Winston, Brendan, Emory, and Ian hostage.
Warner’s father left a note explaining that Juliette, Kenji, and Adam are to meet at noon today at 1542 Sycamore. Castle is going to lead a team to rescue the hostages while they meet with Warner’s father. They start immediately preparing for the meeting. They go over the plan until it is time to go.
Juliette walks up to the house at noon with Adam and Kenji behind her, invisible. Warner’s father is the one to open the door for Juliette. A couple of steps into the house, Warner’s father pins Juliette against the wall and strips her of all of her weapons. Warner’s father sits down and explains, “Well, you’ve certainly figured out all this is just a distraction, right? Surely you’ve realized that my ultimate goal was to lure your people out into my territory? My men are waiting for just one word. One word from me, and they will seek out and destroy all of your little friends waiting so patiently within this half-mile radius.” Terror washes over Juliette. Warner’s father says that he has let these freaks live too freely and that they are causing too much trouble. Juliette says, “I am one of those freaks. Why did you bring me here, if all you want is to kill us? Why me? You didn’t have to single me out?” Warner’s father agrees, but he says he came here with a purpose, to clean up the mess his son made. He tells Juliette that Warner begged him not to kill her. He explains that he will let her live if she proves to be useful, but she would have to come with him to the capital because he can’t trust Warner to do anything right anymore. “Thanks for the offer. But I’d really rather jump off a cliff.” Juliette says. Warner’s father just laughs and says, “Son, would you come in here, please?”
Warner stands in the doorway across from Juliette. He sits down next to his father. His father asks how she escaped. Juliette tells him she jumped out the window the first time, and shot Warner the second time. Juliette explains that she shot Warner with his gun. Before Juliette can stop herself, she asks what Warner’s father’s name is. He says that she can call him Anderson. “Anderson? But I thought your last name was Warner.” Juliette says. Anderson says, “Definitely not. My son thought it would be a good idea to take his mother’s last name because that’s exactly the kind of stupid thing he’d do. The mistake that he always makes, time and time again-allowing his emotions to get in the way of his duty-it’s pathetic. Which is why as much as I’d like to let you live, my dear, I’m afraid you’re too much of a distraction in his life. I cannot allow him to protect a person who has attempted to kill him.” Anderson reaches into his pocket and points a gun at Juliette’s head, gives the gun to Warner, and tells him to shoot her.
Warner’s eyes are raw with emotion. Anderson tells him to hurry up, but Warner turns around and points the gun at his father. Anderson looks bored, irritated even. He pulls another gun out of his pocket and says, “Point the gun in the right direction, Aaron. This is ridiculous.” Warner’s first name is Aaron. Warner tells Anderson that he has no interest in killing Juliette. Anderson then points the gun at Juliette’s head and says he will do it himself. Warner says, “Shoot her, and I will put a bullet through your skull.” Anderson just looks amused. He asks how many times he has woken up in the middle of the night to find Warner trying to kill him. Anderson guessed about twenty times, and each time Aaron burst into tears and apologized. He tells Warner that he is weak and too sentimental to kill his own father. Anderson yells at Warner to shoot him, he digs his hand into Warner’s gunshot wound until his gun hand wavers. Anderson hits Warner in the face so hard, Warner sways a little from the impact, and how much blood he’s losing from his wound reopening. Anderson forgets Juliette is even there and points the gun at Warner’s head. Juliette doesn’t even realize what she is doing when her hand closes around Anderson’s throat and pins him against the wall. Juliette tells him to drop the gun, and he does. She drops him and grabs the gun at the same time. Juliette shoots Anderson in the leg, then the other leg. She then points the gun at Anderson’s chest.
Right as she pulls the trigger, Kenji pulls her back, making the bullet go through the window instead. Juliette tells Kenji that she has to kill him, but Kenji says it’s too soon. They look at Anderson and notice that his eyes have closed. Kenji says that he fainted. Juliette backs away slowly, realizing what she has done. She tries to cling to the wall, but Kenji catches her, cradling her head and stroking her hair. Kenji tells her they have to go, but Juliette rips out of Kenji’s embrace and asks about Warner. Warner is unconscious on the floor, his hands tied behind his back. Kenji explains that they found Ian and Emory, but didn’t find Brendan and Winston. They are going to take Warner hostage and eventually trade him for Brendan and Winston. Kenji tries to get Juliette through the door, and says that it won’t be long before they get to this street. Juliette asks who, and Kenji replies, “The war, princess. They’re all fighting to death out there-” He said, Castle made the call to go to war. Adam suddenly runs into the house and catches Juliette in his arms, saying that she’s okay. Kenji says let’s go, but stops when he notices Adam on his knees in front of Anderson. A look of terror and pain crosses Adam’s face when he says, “This man is my father.”
Kenji says that he is sorry, but they have to go. They run out the door and try to find where everyone from Omega Point is fighting. They eventually find Castle, but they need a distraction to get to him. Juliette tells them to start running, and she gets on her knees and punches the ground. She causes an earthquake big enough to distract all the soldiers. She finds Adam running through the crowd to get to Castle. Kenji yanks Juliette up, and they’re running to the nearest tank, and Castle has told everyone to retreat. In the tank, Warner’s head is resting on Juliette’s lap and Warner’s legs are on Adam’s. Adam tells Juliette and Kenji about his dad, but after he is done talking, he says he has to kill his dad. Juliette thinks about how Adam’s last name isn’t Kent, it’s Anderson. She finds it ironic that both brothers are immune to her touch. Adam and Warner are brothers. Once they arrive at Omega Point, Castle tells Juliette that he would like her to be in charge of maintaining and interrogating Warner. He explains that Warner has an attachment to her and that he would open up to her. Juliette says she’ll do it, but she has no idea how.
Juliette steps inside the door to find Warner sitting against the wall with her notebook in his hands. She’d forgotten about it, he was the last person to see. Warner took it from her when she first escaped. He has read her most painful thoughts, her most anguished confession that she wrote during isolation. He flips the notebook to a random page and begins to read to her. Juliette wrote about how she was going to run until her lungs collapsed, and she was safe again. She begs him to stop, but he just flips to a new page and starts reading again. Warner closes the notebook and says, “Do you know, I couldn’t sleep for days after reading that entry. I kept wanting to know which people were chasing you down the street, who it was you were running from. I wanted to find them, and I wanted to rip their limbs off, one by one. I wanted to murder them in ways that would horrify you to hear.” Juliette asks him to give it back to her. Warner changes the subject to when he kissed her. He apologizes, saying that he wouldn’t have kissed her if he had known what she feels for him. Juliette goes to leave when he tells her that they are wasting their time because kidnapping him will never work to their advantage. Castle later finds Juliette and confronts her about Warner. He had just talked to Warner, and he said that he could touch her. Juliette tells him that it is true. Juliette realizes that since Adam and Warner are brothers, Warner has an ability too.
Castle tells Juliette that she is perfect for interrogating Warner because he is in love with her, and they could use that to their advantage. Juliette goes to talk to Warner but finds him sleeping shirtless on his mattress. She looks at his back and sees the tattoo “Ignite” and his skin shredded with scars. Warner wakes up and asks Juliette what she is doing. Instead, she asks him why he told Castle that he could touch her. He says that Castle had a right to know because that is his job. Warner grabs Juliette’s notebook and asks if she wrote everything in it. She nods. He says that he would like to be her friend. Juliette doesn’t answer him, she runs out the door. Castle finds Juliette eating lunch and asks her why she isn’t interrogating Warner, and tells her to get right on it.
This time, when Juliette enters Warner’s room, he asks her if she has any tattoos. She says no, and asks him why “Ignite” is tattooed on his back. He just says why not. “You want to remind yourself to catch on fire?” Juliette asks. Warner says, “A Handful of letters doesn’t always make a word, love.” Suddenly, Warner asks if Juliette likes to read a lot. Before she can respond, he shows her another tattoo on his torso, this time that says, “Hell is empty and all the devils are here” Juliette notices the writing is like a typewriter. “Books, are easily destroyed. But words will live as long as people can remember them.” Warner says. Juliette doesn’t even know Warner anymore. They talk for a while longer, and when Juliette gets up to leave, he tells her that they must prepare for war.
Juliette goes and tells Castle, who imminently starts forming a plan for them to infiltrate The Reestablishment. Castle calls a meeting to discuss the war and what is happening with Warner. The people of Omega Point shout at Castle to kill Warner, that they didn’t need him. Castle calms everyone down and tells them that Warner has an ability too. Adam asks how he knows, and Castle tells him that Warner can touch Juliette. Adam looks at Juliette and asks her if it’s true. When Juliette doesn’t answer him, Adams goes down a corridor. When Juliette follows him, they start arguing about why Juliette didn’t tell him. While they are arguing, Warner comes and defends Juliette. Since Warner has an ability, Castle let him out of his room. Warner and Adam start fighting and Kenji tries to break them up, but Kenji ends up choking on the ground and eventually goes limp, barely breathing. Juliette has no idea what just happened and has no idea if Kenji is dead.
Juliette runs back into the meeting, yelling at Castle that Kenji is hurt. Castle runs to Kenji and is shouting orders to get the medical wing ready. Juliette didn’t realize how much Kenji means to everybody. Everyone is trying to find some way to help Kenji, and nobody will meet Juliette’s eyes. She runs farther down the corridor, trying to figure out how this could have happened. When she looks at her hands, she remembers that she forgot to put on her gloves after she got out of the shower. She is in a ball crying when Warner comes to talk to her. Juliette yells at him to go away and yells insults at him when he doesn’t leave. She is sobbing too much to realize that Warner has pulled her into a hug. Warner just holds Juliette and tells her that she didn’t kill Kenji and that she wasn’t the one to hurt him. When Juliette asks him what he means by that, he tells him that he was the one who hurt Kenji. Warner explains that he can sense emotions, but he can also take someone’s ability and use it, as long as he is touching them. Warner is about to ask Juliette a question when they hear Adam calling Juliette’s name.
Adam and Juliette go to the medical wing to visit Kenji. It is late when James comes in and asks if Kenji will fight in the war tomorrow. Castle says that Kenji will not fight tomorrow, but James can keep Kenji company. James took that as his cue to jump up on the bed next to Kenji and fall asleep. Castle tells Juliette and Adam that they should go to bed. They argue that he needs sleep too, but Castle says that he won’t be getting any sleep tonight. Castle suddenly starts telling the story of how he and Kenji met. “Kenji has never talked to me about what happened to his parents, and I try not to ask. All he had was a name and an age. I stumbled upon him quite accidentally. He was just a boy sitting in a shopping cart. Far from civilization. It was the dead of winter and he was wearing nothing but an old T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants a few sizes too big for him. He looked like he was freezing, like he could use a few meals and a place to sleep. I couldn’t just walk away, I couldn’t just leave him there. Kenji didn’t say a single thing for at least thirty seconds. He simply stared at me. I almost walked away, thinking I’d frighten him. But then, finally, he reached out, grabbed my hand, placed it in his palm and shook it. Very hard. And then he said ‘Hello, sir. My name is Kenji Kishimoto and I am nine years old. It’s very nice to meet you.’ He must’ve been starving, the poor kid. He always had a strong, determined sort of personality. So much pride. Unstoppable, that boy.” Everyone is silent for a while. Castle tells Juliette and Adam to go to bed, and that Kenji will be fine in the morning.
Juliette is about to get into bed when she hears a knock on the door. Her first thought is Adam, but when she opens the door, she sees Warner. Warner says that he has to talk to her, and Juliette agrees, but only for five minutes. Warner sits down on the bed and says that he wants Juliette to come with him tomorrow when he leaves. Juliette says that he has lost his mind and that she feels like she is talking to a ghost. It is lights out, so they can’t turn the lights back on. Warner stands up in front of her and asks if it is even possible that she can’t feel the fire between them. His fingers slide under the strap of her shirt, and his other hand traces her bottom lip. He says that he wants her. Juliette points out that he wanted friendship. He says, “I did. I do. I do want to be your friend. I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend. The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them…. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every sliver of your body, Juliette.” Juliette is speechless. He holds her face in his hands like they are made of feathers. He leans in so carefully, and says, “Please don’t shoot me for this.” He kisses her so gently. They kiss for a while until Juliette thinks of Adam. She suddenly pulls back. She and Warner start fighting about her decision. Eventually, Warner says goodbye and leaves.
The next morning, everyone is talking about how Warner is gone. Kenji has been released from the medical wing, and Juliette tackles him into a hug. Kenji shies away from Juliette, a little frightened. Juliette understands before he even says anything. Juliette and Adam are getting ready to go when they notice Kenji is getting ready too. They tell Kenji that he can’t go, but he said that he has wasted enough time already just sitting there. Before they can discuss it more, the whistle blows, signaling that it is time to go.
Everyone splits into groups again. Adam, Kenji, and Juliette are together. They notice that The Reestablishment soldiers are rounding people up into big containers. When Juliette asks what is happening, Kenji says they are punishing people who are protesters. The soldiers are going to kill the protester’s family and friends all at once. They keep walking and eventually find twenty-seven people lined up, waiting to be killed. Before the soldier can kill the people. Adam attacks first, shooting him. Adam, Juliette, and Kenji are yelling for the people to follow, that they will get them to safety. They pass the people to another group to take back to Omega Point. Juliette sees a fire in the distance, where they need to be.
Juliette has been separated from Adam and Kenji. She starts running toward the fire when she gets attacked by a soldier. He tackles her to the ground and points a gun to her head and tells her not to move. Juliette crushes all the bones in his arm. She starts to run but is attacked by three more soldiers. The soldiers knock her unconscious and put her in a tank. Juliette is coming in and out of being conscious when she is getting dragged up the stairs in the same house where she met Anderson in. She wakes up in a bed, dressed in boy’s clothes. She steps out of bed and goes to the door. On the way to the door, she looks in a mirror and sees that she has been scrubbed clean. She opens the door and starts carefully walking down the stairs. Juliette is met by Anderson at the bottom of the stairs. Anderson explains that he wants compensation. Warner walks in the front door. Warner asks his father what Juliette is doing there, and Anderson explains that he is getting justice. Anderson pulls out a gun and shoots Juliette in the chest.
Juliette is thrown backward, tripping over her own feet. She sees a face in front of her, but can’t see clearly enough to know who it is. Juliette opens her eyes and hears people arguing. She hears Warner, Sonya, and Sara arguing. Sonya and Sara are saying that they can’t touch her because of her ability. Warner looks back at Juliette, seeing that her eyes are open. He tells her that everything is going to be okay and that she is going to be perfect. Warner begs the twins to grab onto him, that his ability will let them touch her. The twins grab onto him and start healing Juliette. Juliette wakes up in bed with Warner sleeping next to her. She shifts a little, and Warner bolts straight up in bed. Juliette asks where his father is. Warner says that his father has left back to the capital and that he doesn’t know that Juliette is alive. Juliette thinks about how everyone must still be in battle. She decides that she is done being afraid. She is going to go into battle with her gloves off.