Books are Better Than Movies
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October 17, 2022
Why are books better than movies? Shouldn’t it be the other way around, because we actually see the action and not just picture it? People argue that movies are better than books because you see action and can tell right away what is happening. With books, you have to picture it. However, there’s also more detail in the book than in the movie. Sometimes in movies, they leave out the best parts or skip parts while in the book, you get all of the details and don’t miss anything.
Reading books stimulate creativity, as you are able to create that scene in your head by picturing the part you’re reading. With a book, we get to see a plot which in the movie we can’t. The movie skips time, and you have to figure out why something happened. Also, the movie may not portray a character in the same way they were described in the book.
Also, reading can help with improving the way you read, your vocabulary, and your spelling. You can also get a better job, and get paid more. You are learning new words and improving how you read by understanding what is happening in the book by reading and not just watching. If you are just watching, you are not going to learn anything, and you won’t be able to have a creative mind since that’s what reading does. Reading helps with being able to understand things that are going on in the book.
While reading a book, you have a point of view of something. When you watch the movie, you may be shocked because it’s not the way the book describes it. Movies are based on books, and if you read the book first you can tell there are some parts they change or didn’t include. For example, in the book “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we can describe Gatsby as an obsessive guy who wants to go back to the past, but this time, rich. He doesn’t realize Daisy, the girl he wants, doesn’t want anything to do with him, and we see her as an innocent girl who wouldn’t hurt anything. But in the movie, we don’t see Gatsby like that. It seems like he is trying to get the love of his life back, while Daisy keeps hurting him. That’s an example of how movies can change the way the book is actually describing something.
There could be many reasons why people think movies are better, but in reality, it is the other way around. You are watching a two-hour movie when you can spend a week reading a whole book. Some people may think it’s boring, but not if it’s a book you like and know you will understand. We see there are so many books that contain a good plot, but we don’t fully get to see it in movies. Books are better because while in a movie we see the action, but not as much detail as in a book.