School Uniforms

Image via Time For Kids

Kadence Warner, Writer

School uniforms have been around since 1222. Why did they start? Should they still be a thing? What are the pros and cons of school uniforms? 

England started school uniforms in 1222. These started in private and parochial schools. I assume this is because these schools had more money to spend on uniforms, although sometimes citizens provided uniforms. In the 16th century, Christ Hospital School started to use “modern” uniforms. This consisted of blue cloaks and yellow stockings. In 2011, a survey recorded that 95% of people wanted to keep these uniforms around. In 2014, it was recorded that they were still wearing these uniforms. When school uniforms started in the United States, they also just started in private and parochial schools. In some Native American schools, children had to wear military-style uniforms. There was an increase in school uniforms from 2000, which was 12% of schools, to 20% of schools in 2017

One pro of having school uniforms is that students would focus more on school rather than their clothing. Another reason uniforms might be good is that they promote school spirit because everyone would always be wearing school colors. Like an event day but every day! There would be less bullying and gang activity because everyone would be wearing the same thing. Another pro of school uniforms is that it’ll save time in the morning looking for a good outfit and it would cost less for parents on a variety of “school clothes” because you wouldn’t need a lot. Another thing that might be a good thing for schools is that uniforms are “appropriate” and promote “gender norms”. This is because girls would wear one thing and boys would wear another. It would be long or short enough that the school and teachers would be happy and see it as appropriate. If schools had uniforms it would improve how the community sees the school by seeing it as equal and put together. One thing that would be possible with school uniforms instead of wearing other clothing, regular clothes, is exciting. Some of the biggest pros that I see is that you wouldn’t be able to tell if someone is poor because you’d be wearing the same thing. They wouldn’t have to wear ripped clothes to school either. Another huge pro I see is that some people would have a lot more confidence because everyone would be wearing the same thing. 

A con of school uniforms is that people can’t express themselves. They can’t wear the colors of clothing they want. Along with this, take away people’s freedom, because they can’t express themselves. It also takes away people’s freedom to express themselves with their religion. It would make people follow gender norms, which would make a lot of people uncomfortable. There would be less diversity as well. I think some uniforms would cost more than regular clothes would and might be plain ugly. If the uniform gets destroyed or lost, you have to buy another one. With school uniforms, you’d be able to tell which schools have money and which don’t

My opinion is that we shouldn’t have school uniforms. Everyone likes the freedom to express themselves and their religion, school uniforms take that away. I do not agree that school uniforms would focus on school more. If I were uncomfortable with what I was wearing, schoolwork would be really hard to focus on. Another thing I don’t agree with is that it would lead to less bullying. I think that people who are going to bully will just find something else. I think it could lead to bullying depending on how the clothes fit different people. I also don’t agree with the fact that it will promote gender norms. I think it will just enrage people and make them want to dress however they want anyway. I think we should stay without school uniforms.