4th of July

Image via Northshore Magazine
April 22, 2022
Americans have many holidays that we celebrate. We have holidays during winter and fall, like Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. We also celebrate Easter during spring. During the summer when it’s hot outside and kids play all day, Americans celebrate the 4th of July. The 4th of July is celebrated all over America by hundreds of Americans.
Where did the 4th of July’s importance come from? This holiday was first celebrated on July 4th, 1777, and marked as Independence Day. On July 4th, 1777, it was celebrated with bonfires, fireworks, and bells. There were also a few different bands playing in celebration of the 4th of July.
Now, the 4th of July is still celebrated as it was celebrated in 1777, with just a little bit of a difference. Americans still celebrate with bonfires and fireworks. Now, Americans also have parades and BBQs. They also have big parties where everyone will stay until it’s dark. A lot of people will even use the 4th of July to have a little family gathering.
In Los Angeles, they have a 4th of July parade for the community to watch in celebration of Independence Day. Los Angeles also has many fireworks shows that people go and watch. Los Angeles is known for having some of the best firework shows. These firework shows and parades that go on in LA cause people to travel from all over the world just to watch them.
In New York, they also hold a 4th of July parade during the day. The community will gather up and watch the parade. After the parade is over, everyone goes home and usually starts getting their parties ready. Then when nightfall comes, New York holds its fireworks show. More than 8 million people watch this firework show, meaning over 8 million people like the firework show that happens in New York.
The list of the best firework shows to go to for the 4th of July is long. There are so many places to choose from. On the top of the list is Pasadena, CA, where the fireworks show starts as soon as it gets dark at 9:00 pm. Next on the list is Philadelphia, this fireworks show starts at 9:30 pm. The 3rd greatest fireworks show is in San Francisco, and this show also starts at 9:30. These are 3 of the many best fireworks shows.
Every year, 311.7 million Americans celebrate the 4th of July. All Americans celebrate the 4th of July almost the same every year. They will go watch parades that are dedicated to the 4th of July. After the parade, families will have a BBQ and watch firework shows once nighttime comes. Even if the 4th of July isn’t known around the world as one of the big holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving, Americans still celebrate the 4th of July as a big holiday. After all, the 4th of July is the national Independence day.