Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse Book Review

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Belen Garcia, Writer

Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse is the third book in the Percy Jackson series. The events of this book happened in winter, unlike in the rest of the books. It is in this book that you really begin to notice the mental change in the characters from younger pre-teens to teenagers. This change makes the book feel more young adult and less childlike than the first two, without losing the sarcastic childish humor of the saga that we saw in the first two books. 

In this book a lot of new and interesting characters are introduced for the first time, starting with Thalia, a daughter of Zeus who has been mentioned since the beginning of the saga, but it isn’t until this book that we actually learn who she is. Thalia is another possible chosen one of the prophecy, more trained and just as impulsive as Percy, which creates a fun rivalry that progresses throughout the book and allows us to better understand the insecurities of both characters. 

In this book, we are also introduced to the hunters of Artemis and more specifically to Zoe Nightshade, a hunter who looks 14-years-old, but who has lived serving Artemis for centuries. Her strong, proud, and reserved character, coupled with her dislike of male heroes makes the advancement of her relationship, and the respect that Percy gains for her feel authentic and important. She also has a conflict with Thalia about something that happened years ago, and the mutual dislike and the development of their relationship into a friendship and respect is something really cool to read. 

In this book, we are also introduced to the Di-Angelos, Nico, an excited 12-years-old, and Bianca, an exhausted 14-year-old sister. We don’t learn much about them other than the fact that they were orphans, and they only remember what they were doing for the last year. At the end of the book, there is a revelation about them that for sure is going to cause problems in the next book. 

The gods also started taking a bigger role in this book, with Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Athena, and Dionysus having important cameos in the book. We also get to know more about Annabeth’s life outside the camp and Grover’s importance and progress in the search for the god of the wild, Pan. 

The action and humor in the books are still amazing just like in their predecessors, the narration has the perfect rhythm to not get bored with over-explaining descriptions, but still good enough to imagine everything in your mind. The plot, relationships, and threats are deepened much more in this book.

The prophecy takes several turns during the book and also the perspective of it in the view of different characters, the relationships between characters are tested and become stronger, and the threat takes on much more power and danger, letting us see the physical and mental deterioration of Luke, his relationship with Thalia and Annabeth and further explanation of how powerful, intelligent and dangerous Kronos can be.