Flash News On Current Climate Change

Image via NASA
October 9, 2021
What is Happening at This Moment?
According to globalchange.gov, at this moment we are seeing the effects of an increase in temperatures around the globe, including many glaciers and snowpacks starting to melt and many of our seas becoming more acidic. This is currently affecting us because we cannot all tolerate such intense heat. According to www.theme.com, the maximum atmospheric temperature that humans can survive is 108.14° Fahrenheit. If you were here in Oregon this past June or July, you may have experienced temperatures up to almost 120° F, which is a world record in Oregon. Many animals and plants are dying for this exact reason. Most animals in Antarctica are going extinct, this is being caused by their glaciers, snow and homes being melted. As temperatures get warmer, plants grow and bloom earlier in spring and survive longer in fall. Also many animals are waking from hibernation earlier and are migrating at different times, which means they’re exposed to climates they’re not adapted to.
What is the U.S Doing at the Moment?
On September 21, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he was going to start working with his Congress to try to double the funding directed toward climate action by 2024 to $11.4 billion per year to help the nation deal with climate change. According to Biden, “The best part is, making these ambitious investments isn’t just good climate policy, it’s a chance for each of our countries to invest in ourselves and our own future.” This means that not only will it benefit the world, but also it will benefit us personally. By doing this, we can help reduce the impacts of climate change and decrease the frequency of abnormally high temperatures, which will also help prevent losing animals and plants, even animals that are close to being extinct at this moment.
How Can We Help Resolve Climate Change in Our Everyday Lives?
There are many ways that we can help with climate change in our everyday lives. According to nrdc.org, we can start by using renewable energy, in most cases by choosing a utility company that works with renewable energy. Another way is by using water only when it’s needed and trying to reduce the amount of water we waste. Even though lightbulbs are sometimes expensive, buying a more energy efficient one can help you in the future because you won’t need to buy as many and it will actually save you lots of money in the long run. According to www.imperial.ac.uk, eating less meat and fewer dairy products can also help reduce climate change because direct consumption of crops is more energy efficient than consuming the livestock who eat the crops. Instead of driving everywhere individually, you can carpool or take advantage of other transportation options such as public buses, walking, bike riding, and etc. In short, the most important thing to do in order to help reduce the impacts of climate change is cutting down on your overall consumption and waste because otherwise it’ll just be piling up somewhere on Earth and it’s just staying there.
What are Scientists Doing at the Moment to Focus on Global Warming?
During the last few years, temperatures have been rising throughout the world, and scientists are trying to find a way of creating something to replace individual air conditioning units. According to usatoday.com, scientists have been trying to make the “world’s whitest paint” which will help eliminate, or at least reduce, the need for air conditioning. This paint was created to help reflect sunlight away from a building, which will reflect 98.1% of solar radiation and therefore reflect heat too. Due to this, it can result in a cooling power of 10 kilowatts which is actually more powerful than that of the air conditioners used by most houses.