2020, The Worst Year Ever

Image via Owlfeed
September 24, 2021
How do I start this off? Well, I could just say it plain and simple. 2020 was the worst year ever. Although this is just an opinion, I stand firmly by it. What exactly happened during 2020? Well, if you don’t know, you must live under a rock. To start, there were a bunch of bushfires and famous deaths. Next, a global pandemic that no one was expecting, and it made a lot of people mad. Because of the pandemic, there wasn’t a Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year. Oh and a few more things I almost forgot, there were Murder Hornets one month, there were Black Lives Matter protests for a while, the Olympics got canceled, and the Beirut factory exploded, there was a suicide bomber on CHRISTMAS DAY, World War III almost happened, President Trump locked himself in the bunker, and the government said that UFOs are real.
At the end of 2019, Australian bushfires started. This carried on to the start of 2020. It destroyed forests and wildlife. The fires also destroyed over 18 million hectares of land and 5,900 buildings. It ended in March 2020. While that was going on there were also a bunch of famous deaths, too many to count honestly. Also, at the beginning of the year, World War III almost happened. I remember seeing memes and friends telling me about it. There were some people saying World War III was fake, others were frantic.
Right after that craziness, more craziness came and a pandemic started. It started because of this virus called COVID-19. You weren’t supposed to leave your house. All the stores sold out of food and toys, and the most unexpected thing ever, toilet paper. Every day there was scary news that was getting spread around. I remember hearing we were going to get locked in our house without warning. I heard that the virus spread super fast and you needed to wash everything 24/7. Because of this, a lot of people also got depressed and down. Almost everyone started watching Tiger King. Everyone going to school at the time had to go online. I had a pretty bad experience with that in the past, so it started rocky. Here we are a year and a half later, still wearing masks and just barely getting back into normal life. It’s been hard. COVID has also divided the nation because people feel differently and that is horrible. Because of COVID, we didn’t get a Halloween, instead, my family sat at different doors in the house and pretended that they were all different houses. That was actually pretty fun. We didn’t really get a Thanksgiving either, I only enjoyed it with five people, and Christmas was the same thing. I spent New Year on zoom with my cousins. Later on that night, I called some other cousins along with my dad on Instagram. I couldn’t see any of them in person for New Year. Even the Olympics got canceled because of COVID.
One month, there were these huge wasps/bees that came over into America. What they’re called are Asian Giant Hornets which are common in some parts of Asia. They got their name because they prayed on bees. In Japan, these hornets kill up to 50 people a year. I’ve heard their sting is like a hot metal going into your skin, that’s never happened to me, but I’m sure that’s super painful. I’ve also heard that the pain spreads through your whole arm, now I don’t know if that’s true or not, but that’s still scary. The truth is, only two Murder Hornets even made it to the US. There wasn’t an invasion like everyone was talking about. These days people are killing the Murder Hornets to save the bees.
Starting in May, there were a bunch of protests. These protests were for a Black Lives Matter movement. Many communities were on the streets everywhere. I recognize some individuals saw no point, a few people thought it was stupid. Some people thought it was a good thing and would alter some things in the world. During these demonstrations, there were also riots. A few people thought these protests were just to riot stores. I think that’s not what the point of the protests was, but instead, some folks used that as an excuse to riot. They would blame it on the fact that there were marches and so they would riot. Many people got hurt at these protests, a lot of people united during these protests. It was a difficult and beautiful time. At one point something happened near the White House that caused the president to get locked in the White House Bunker. These protests didn’t end until August.
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, election time came. Now, because everyone was inside because of COVID for almost the whole year, they were on the internet hearing a bunch of fake news and gaining strong opinions about each political party. This divided people even further than they were before. People were fighting because of this. Because of COVID, votes also had to be sent indifferently. This caused a lot of the population to think that the votes weren’t accurate, dividing people even more. Biden Harris won the election. Because of this Trump locked himself in the White House and refused to come out. Afterward, people had stormed the capitol building to try and change the votes. Many people got hurt and could’ve died. (This happened at the beginning of 2021.)
Even on Christmas day things didn’t get better. We were still in pandemic mode. On Christmas day, someone parked outside of a shop in Nashville, Tennessee. There were sirens and then a voice telling everyone to leave because a bomb was about to explode. Although the voice told people to leave, some people might not have heard it or didn’t think much of it, or didn’t act fast enough because eight people got injured. That was sad news to get on the Holiday that’s supposed to be jolly.
At some point, the Government had confirmed UFOs are real. The human race kept getting divided into different sides of things. People fought over this. It freaked some people out. There was also this huge Beirut factory explosion because of hundreds of metric tons of ammonium nitrate. It spread 5 miles in every direction. It was a crazy, crazy time. If you don’t remember the events of this horrible year, you are so lucky. I do think it taught a few people how to deal with some things and made that year of school easier for some. This was probably the worst year ever.