How To Ask For Help With Mental Health

(Image via Intervention Associates)

Alo Pineda, Writer

At any age, many people struggle with their mental health, yet they don’t know how to ask for help or open up. Mental health still being a taboo subject isn’t much of a help either because it makes it harder for many people to talk about it. No matter how young or old you are, you deserve to talk to someone. Here are some tips that hopefully make it easier to reach out.

When you officially decide you want to ask for help, take your time. Rushing yourself will only make you more overwhelmed and stressed. Instead, think about how you want to do it, who you want to ask, and make some different plans to see which makes you feel most comfortable. Having time to think about those things will make the process much easier and less stressful. If you want, you can write what you’re currently feeling as well. 

Writing how you feel is a great way to communicate with not only other people but yourself as well. If you take the time to write down what you feel, you can acknowledge what might be bothering you or what type of help you can ask for. Narrowing down what you need help with is a great first step to help someone find out what specific type of treatment you need, so it’s always best to be true to yourself and with others.

If you are starting to panic or get anxious about doing this alone, you can always ask a close friend or family member to be by your side when you ask for help. Having someone by your side when you decide to talk is always helpful and reassures you that someone is there for you. It might also make you less anxious and make it easier to talk, knowing someone is there with you. 

When you do decide to speak with someone about your current mental health, make sure you aren’t lying to yourself or them. They want to do their best to help you. To do that they need to know what’s happening and the way you are feeling. You also don’t want to make up lies or excuses, that will only hinder you in getting the right treatment or help. So overall, just be truthful and honest. 

If you feel you’re still not ready enough to talk to someone about your mental state, remember that someone is always there to hear you out. Many people care about you and would love it if you asked for help. Just remember to take your time, and if you ever start having suicidal thoughts to let a trusted adult know or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255, or chat with a counselor from Lifeline Chat.