How to Make Getting Sick a Little Less Bad


(Image via Public Domain Pictures)

Tabitha Fitzgerald, Writer

At some point this season, most of us will end up feeling a little under the weather. Getting sick can be unpleasant, annoying, or even scary. With runny noses, sore throats, coughs, and fevers, getting sick is never fun. However, there are ways to keep yourself from getting sick, or at least make getting sick a little better.

The first thing to focus on is preventing illnesses before they start. Sometimes, getting sick is inevitable, as we spend every day around other people. However, most sickness can be avoided with the proper steps. First, make sure to treat your body right. Eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and getting regular exercise are always good ideas, but when trying not to get sick, they are necessities. Practicing healthy habits may not always keep you from getting sick, but will certainly help in the long run. Another good preventative step to take is to make sure your surroundings are squeaky clean. One way to make sure that no microscopic visitors are on your surroundings is to simply wipe everything down with an antibacterial wipe before use. When you sit down at your desk, wipe it down. Before you go to school, wipe down any frequently-touched items in your house, like light switches and doorknobs. Finally, make sure to wash your hands frequently, use your sleeve to open doors, and try not to touch your face.

Now, if there’s one thing I understand, it’s that sometimes, getting sick is inevitable. You do your best to stay healthy, but sickness still finds a way to make you feel miserable. Feeling sick is always terrible, but thankfully, there are a few things that may make you feel a little better. One of the worst parts of getting sick is feeling congested. One easy remedy is to take a hot shower and apply some VapoRub. If you can’t get store-bought VapoRub, try putting some peppermint essential oil on your chest or under your nose, and always make sure you frequently blow your nose, of course. For more helpful cold remedies, check out this list of Cold remedies from the Mayo Clinic which also includes a few things you shouldn’t do. 

When we’re feeling sick, another important thing to keep in mind is that we are contagious. None of us want to get others sick, but in this high-contact world, how do we avoid it? The first, and most important, thing to do when sick is to keep your distance from others. Most diseases can spread through the air when close to someone, so to avoid spreading germs, stay a few feet away from others when sick. Secondly, always wash your hands. If you don’t regularly wash your hands, any germs on your hands can transfer to the surfaces that you touch throughout the day, and in turn, to the other people that touch those surfaces. Finally, make sure to cover your mouth with a tissue or the inside of your elbow whenever you cough or sneeze. This is especially important considering every time you sneeze you spray germs into the air

Getting sick is always miserable with canceled plans and unpleasant symptoms. However, if we take steps to protect ourselves, others, and our immune systems, the next time we get sick will surely be more tolerable.