Sunflowers and Sunsets

(Image via Jaycob Davis)

Jaycob Davis, Writer

As we sat on those rocks, the sun slowly falling into the world. Another day, another promise that tomorrow would come and we would be everything more than we ever could understand. Looking into your eyes, I felt beyond alive, beyond strong. The sunflowers you gave me, promised you would never lie, but the flowers died.You left the rocks to go find some new serenity. The sunsets continued, the sunflowers continued to rise then fall, I knew nothing at all until I began to write my stories for you to the sky, asking the clouds why. Soon enough the question “why?” meant nothing anymore, because still the sun arose and fell to the ocean, still I wrote my stories on the rocks in my mind. Loving someone who did not want to be loved by someone so poetic, you often said I was too who held dead sunflowers so proudly to value all the beautiful things that are surrounding me. The sun may stay in the sky for hours, but those hours felt like eternity with you by my side, watching the sun float through the sky.The thing is  you found beauty in the sky rather than yourself. You saw more color in the world than yourself, you saw more aesthetic value in scenery than yourself and knowing that I saw beauty in all things I saw it in you as well I handed you my sunflower heart and told you it would never die as long as you continued to water it every day and as long as you gave it love The sunflower heart that was also you. You told me you would try, but you left it out in the sun to die, but I would not give up on you so I did everything to give you the sun so you could see the beauty I saw in you in yourself. Looking at the sky tonight, how I miss those days when I would try to do the impossible for you and how you always told me that you would love yourself some day when the sun did not fall to the ocean. Holding onto our memories, I’m looking out at the stars tonight wondering if you ever learned to love the way your smile formed or if you learned to water the sunflowers, but something tells me you’re still humbling yourself so much so that you don’t respect that you’ll always make mistakes as a person but that you can grow from them, you never gave yourself enough credit for the great things that make you who you are and my love could not make you see that.  All my attempts to show you that you are amazing could not make your eyes see perspective they were not ready to see. Hold my sunflowers close when you feel like the sun will never rise because even though you abandoned our promises, my world is still resting in your arms. I will watch the sunset tonight.