The History of Our School

(Image via Gales Creek Journal)
October 29, 2019
The High School we go to almost every day has come a long way. It has had its ups and downs and has been around for a very long time. This public school has been open for over 100 years, founded in the year 1907. It’s the only high school in District 15, which means if you live in Forest Grove or Cornelius that’s the only high school option you have. But what is the history of our school? How did it become the high school we know today? Save your breath, because these questions have been answered.
Some notable things that happened in the schools’ past, are some of the awards and recognition it has received. This high school has received the bronze medal for America’s Best High Schools. This was an award given to the school by US News and World Report. Forest Grove High School girls softball won the state championships in 2007, which was a big win for the school.
But things weren’t always great at this school. There was a point where it had the highest dropout rate in all Washington County. That means that out of 35 high schools in the county, we had the highest number of students drop out, and had test scores below the average a student gets. But in 2002, the school hired a new principal (John O’Neil) to help fix these issues. He had the school create the math and reading workshops to help students having trouble with those subjects. When the state of Oregon realized the scores were improving, they gave the school the Closing the Achievement Gap award.
Some notable programs that the school has is the Viking House Program, that began in 1976 which is where students build a single-family home every year for the community. They begin building in September and finish in late May. They would then sell the house, and if it sells they use the money to buy more tools and supplies to build a new house. By 2011, the program had built 35 new homes. In 2001 the school began a firefighting cadet program, where Juniors and Seniors are allowed the chance to learn firefighting techniques that are taught at community college level, to prepare students that pursue the firefighting career path. In 2015, the school decided to begin an online newspaper website. It was called The Advocate, and students would monthly create an article and publicly post it on the website.
In conclusion, Forest Grove High School might seem like a regular school. But no other school is like it. What other school has the iconic Viking? What other school has the amazing Viking Cafe, where we can go when in need of a boost of energy? No other school is like ours, and that is perfectly fine. No, the high school isn’t perfect, but that’s okay because it has everything a student needs to succeed, and as long as it has that it will always be the school we know and love.
If you want to check out the history of our school:
Click here: Wikipedia
Want to know the Oregon graduation rate improvement?
Click here: OPB