Mental Health Days


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Dulce Solis Hernandez, Writer

Taking time to address your mental health is very important, especially if you’ve been putting it off because of work or school. It can even become dangerous if you have been suffering from something such as depression, anxiety, insomnia or any other mental illness and have been pushing it aside because it can create a very toxic and harmful environment within your mind. So, in order to help get your mind in the right place, we should take mental health days.


I think it’s safe to say that constantly working without having much of a break can be harmful. Overworking is portrayed as not that big of a deal in society because you’re being productive but what many fail to realize is that it’s not good for us. It can cause us to stress excessively, become physically and mentally drained, and become fatigued. Instead of completely pushing aside your mental health, it should become at least somewhat of a priority of yours. Whether you realize this now or not based off of personal experience or relating to someone’s story, work and school do indeed take a toll on your mental health. What I’m trying to say is that it’s not going to be a walk in the park but, it will help out a lot once you do get into a more healthy state of mind because you’ll be able to improve what you use every day.


It’s important that we don’t turn to bad habits that can possibly harm us as a way of coping when it comes to our mental health. What will often happen is that once we start coping with something in a not so healthy manner, we will continually use that strategy. This will eventually become toxic as time goes on and you’ll end up feeling miserable. If you feel like you’re willing to reach out and ask for help, then you absolutely should! You can ask your friends, family, counselors, therapists, doctors, even teachers. But, you won’t know if they can help you if you never ask. Reaching out for someone to provide a helping hand isn’t by any means easy. For some people, it’s a piece of cake but for others, it can be extremely difficult and you can feel like a burden to those that you ask for help but you’re not alone. Reaching out for help or even having “me time” is a great thing to help get your mind at a healthy and cooperative state where you’re not having to suffer through everyday life.


Society has stigmatized having or dealing with any sort of mental illness. It puts people’s perspective of themselves as being weaker than others or not being as capable. As a whole, society should at least accept the fact that having poor mental health is an everyday reality for several people, and that we need time to cope with it.