Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

(The Musical Company)
December 11, 2018
Attention Forest Grove High School, Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat came and gave a GREAT performance. From all the vibrant colors, beautiful songs, and charismatic acting, this show was a must see. If you didn’t get the chance to enjoy this entertaining performance, don’t be dismayed, this article is for you.
This Biblical based story of a brother of many, Joseph (played by Jordan Di Nocenzo) is sold into slavery by his envious brother. The brothers fake his [Joseph’s] death, however, them not wanting others to know they betrayed their brother. All of his siblings are jealous that he had an “Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” (gifted by his father), which apparently helped interpret others dreams. The narrator (played by Alexis Walker) tells this story of Joseph and his hardships to a crowd of little ones within and throughout the musical. During all of Joseph’s rough times, he always seems to end up on top, interpreting other’s dreams and proving his talents and successes.
Let’s get to know the cast
Jordan Di Nocenzo (grade 12): Jordan took the lead of this show, and explained his character as the following, “I played Joseph, who is 1 out of 12 brothers. All of the brothers came from this dude Jacob (yes, he really described Jacob as a dude). Joseph is a dimwitted dreamer, who’s optimistic about everything, no matter the situation”. Joseph sounds like a pretty cool guy- excuse me, dude- doesn’t he? Jordan’s favorite part about taking place in Joseph was, “being able to tell the story within a story. The narrator (Alexis Walker) took place in a classroom and told this story to a crowd of little kids. The best part is having the audience know that it’s just a story, and being able to say hello and goodbye to the audience was amazing as well”. Such an interactive musical, So. Much. Fun. Lastly, from experiencing this musical, Jordan hopes the audience took this from the musical, “Joseph started out in the pits and came out on top. Anyone from anywhere can make it if they have a lucky break, you can be whoever you want to be. Also, forgiveness is a main theme from the play, and I hoped the audience grasped this concept as well”. So cool Jordan! A well deserved lead role.
Shane Lowry (grade 10): Shane played Reuben, the eldest brother, and seemingly the most conspicuous of the play. When asked what he enjoyed most about being involved in Joseph, he responded, “My favorite part about the musical was the rehearsals with my friends”. Good thing Lowry relished the times spent with his classmates, because 3 months of his life were occupied by these people, and it seemed to constantly be filled with good times. From watching this musical, Shane hopes that the audience grasped the idea that “anyone from anywhere can make it if they get a lucky break”. Great insight Shane!
Alexis Walker (grade 12): Alexis played the narrator of the musical, and she describes it like this, “[it] was an interesting role for me because it was my very first lead role and because the narrator typically doesn’t have its own character. I had to kinda go off of what I saw in other renditions of the play, and then add my own twist on it.” Alexis did an AMAZING job playing this role and added her own cool flare. Alexis’ favorite part of the taking part in this play was, “planning part of it all. Talking to the director about the set and the costumes and everything else, it was like I could see it come together in my mind”. Alexis, you have an eye for perfection, because that’s the only way I would describe the set and the costumes, per-fect. From watching this musical, Alexis hoped that the audience took home with them is, “the cast and crew worked hard to give them an entertaining night, every night, It was all for them”. Can I get an “aww”, because that was so sweet!
Dan Collins (grade 12): Dan Collins explains his character like this, “I played the Pharaoh of Egypt, which had an Elvis taste”. SO COOL, something I believe the audience has never seen before. During the duration of this musical, Dan explained his favorite time[s] like this, “I loved the music, I love singing and acting, the BEST combo”. Amen Dan, singing and dancing is indeed, the best combo. After asking the question, “What do you hope the audience took with them?”, Dan thought long and hard to get the PERFECT response. His final words were this, “Jealousy can ruin relationships and ruin you in the long run”. What amazing advice Dan, well done!
Clearly, the cast had an AMAZING time putting on this show for FGHS and did an incredible job doing so. If you want to see how “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” ends, make sure to catch it the next time it comes into town. From this performance, you don’t want to miss the next production brought to us. Macbeth will be brought to us January 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, and a matinee show on the 26th, see you there! Well, as Aerosmith once said, Dream On.