Democrat or Republican: Where I Stand
Democrat or Republican. Those words have echoed throughout the halls of American history ever since the Civil War, since the dawn of Ironclad ships and Gatling guns. Two parties bled in the debate rooms while the soldiers bled on the fields, just because they had a different belief in politics. It’s rather odd, isn’t it? The fact that a nation so united would be so divided. Today, it is still the same puppet show, the same story but different characters. Many people stick to one side, but me? I prefer to consider all sides, but I currently prefer the Democratic Party. I might not agree with your views, but I will try to understand them.
The Democratic Party tends to be more open to specific civil rights and they also tend to be more open to newer ideas to progress the “American Dream” of wealth and happiness for everyone. However, they are sometimes too demanding in the rights of people. Too progressive. I did support President Obama and his goal for affordable national healthcare, I did support Hillary Clinton for her to possibly be the first woman president, and I did support the right for the LGBTQ community to marry. But I did not support us pulling out of Iraq, Clinton’s email scandal, or the Kavanaugh Accusations. Even though their flaws don’t make them the best apples in the bunch, they are still worth standing behind. Their fundamental core for civil liberties and rights should be noted. Obama’s healthcare act helped millions of Americans to have affordable healthcare coverage while Clinton’s run for president could have made history in this era of progression. That is something I would have been fine with, as we – the people – should be able to tell our representatives what we want and we want better lives. A white picket fence and emerald green lawn with neat cut grass, the American Dream.
Now we get into the “Grand Old Party”, or the Republican Party. If the Democrats were the opened-arms and progressive party then the GOP would be the alert and wary one. The GOP focus more on the safety of the American populace and lower taxes and often want higher security in the U.S and higher military spending. However, they seem to forget the importance of the inclusion of massive groups of people and sometimes even sway from the sensible debate. They care about safety more than the people coming in. Too cynical. However, I did support the increased spending on immigration security and the increased spending in military. I did not support the misjudged travel ban and the process of “draining the swamp”. The GOP are good people and they mean well for all Americans, from the wealthy to the penury, and they want all Americans to feel safe. They believe in the American Dream just as much as the Democrats, for both parties want all to be an American.
I chose the Democrats over the GOP not because they are better, but because they include everyone. This is the era of progression, the era of innovation and we need people who think differently. People like the LGBTQ+ and Feminists, without whom there would be no advancement in social policies. We as a species are young and most of us are still finding the rights and wrongs. That is why I stand with the Democrats. But the Tree Of Liberty must not be watered with blood unless we undo the work of our Forefathers. Never hate your enemy, learn to love them.

Thong Nguyen is a sophomore and a section editor for The Advocate. He loves English and History. He also plans to stay in Journalism as long...
Anonymous6787 • Nov 30, 2018 at 8:53 pm
I’m a student at Forest Grove High School, member of Period Club and former member of Young Feminists of Forest Grove High School. The fact that a student at our high school denounces the Kavanaugh accusations, which DID in fact have multitudes of credible evidence, is disgusting. If you had a sister who came out with a story of sexual assault, you would believe her for darn sure. ‘Boys will be boys’ is not an excuse for predatory behavior.
Dulce Solis Hernandez • Nov 26, 2018 at 10:22 am
This was a very entertaining article to read because i got to know where you stand and what some of your views are. I think that this is a very well written article.