Super Eurobeat 250 Anniversary

(image via avex trax)

September 26th, 2 days from this article’s publication date marks the 30th anniversary of the Avex, publisher of the incredibly prolific Eurobeat compilation series, Super Eurobeat. So far—not even including the many “Super Eurobeat presents” albums featuring music from many sources including the popular racing anime “Initial D” extending to even Sanrio, and Vocaloid Hatsune Miku—Avex has released 249 volumes of Super Eurobeat since January 21th 1990. Marking Avex’s 30th anniversary is the release of the 250th volume of Super Eurobeat, a non-stop “megamix” containing 250 classic Eurobeat tracks across 3 CDs. Although this may be marking a significant milestone for the company, in the future, they may not continue to release music in this fashion. According to an interview with Satoshi Yokota, a long time DJ of Super Eurobeat, and Toshiro Takano of Avex, as CDs are not selling as well as they did many years ago, they may be moving away from their once a month compilation releases and moving towards one album a year. They wish to focus more on revitalizing old tracks, as well as bringing more accessibility to their series and genre through streaming. Though this ridiculously long series may come to a close, Avex does not plan on stopping distribution of Eurobeat music as the popularity of the genre has seen a recent resurgence in Japan. More information about Super Eurobeat Vol. 250 can be found on the official Super Eurobeat website here.