Your Horoscope for the Month of May

Harley Tummond, Diversity Editor

After one month off of writing horoscopes, your zodiac is back and better than ever this May!


Aquarius: January 20th-February 18th

Aquarians, this will be a very positive month for you. Your humanitarian personality thrives in the spring months, since the world appears all so much brighter. This month, you will be given an unexpected opportunity to exercise your skills, that will lead you into a series of new opportunities. Take advantage of this, and you will benefit greatly. Remember to focus on your friends this May, as they can help you work through any new changes you are destined to face.


Pisces: February 19th-March 20th

Pisces, this month will be full of change. Due to the landing of Neptune under your sign throughout May, there will likely be both an end and a beginning that will affect your life in some way. This change may appear positive or negative, however, it will have a positive outcome in the end. Leaning on family and friends throughout the month may be extremely beneficial to your mental health.


Aries: March 21st-April 19th

Aries, occasionally your fiery demeanor doesn’t serve you well in social situations, but it will this month! As we get into one of the final months of the school year, people will be impressed by your ability to crack a joke and have a good time despite very stressful conditions. Mercury will fall under Aries throughout the beginning of the month (until May 13th), which will add to your ability to stay calm– a trait not usually associated with an Aries.


Taurus: April 20th-May 20th

Happy birthday Taurus! May will start out as a very easy going month, however, the tides will switch midway through the month. You will have both Mercury and Uranus enter your zodiac roughly halfway through the month, which will add a sense of division. You will likely be able to fight through this division through catering to one of the planets– the energy and ecstasy of Uranus versus the coordination of Mercury. Whether you tap into your energetic or calm side, you will be able to handle having these polar planets under your sign this May.


Gemini: May 20th-June 20th

Gemini, productivity will be your calling this May. You will find a way to excel at something unexpected, on the sole premise of hard work and dedication. This may feel odd to your laid back sign, but it will benefit you highly in some sector of life. You will likely experience some social change in this upcoming month, as your sign doesn’t handle stress particularly well and May will be full of it. Overall though, if you keep your friends close and channel your newfound productivity, your month will be significantly easier.


Cancer: June 21st-July 22nd

Cancer, you will experience a positive shift in relationships you have in your life this month. Whether romantic or platonic, the pull of Venus in your zodiac will influence the way you interact with others. Consider branching out this May to make new friends or reconnect with old ones. Emotional Venus under a typically emotional sign may make you more sensitive this month, yet commonly they balance each other out to make a more stable month. Focus on your relationships with others this month, and you will have a fulfilling May.


Leo: July 23rd-August 22nd

Leo, despite being known for your confidence, your ego may take a hit this month. It is important to not base your self worth on your accomplishments too much throughout May, because people born under the sign of Leo typically don’t handle stress well, which can lead to disappointment. Find a way to channel your stress productively, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself as the school year winds down. You will find yourself beginning to thrive again as the weather gets nicer and school gets less demanding.


Virgo: August 23rd-September 22nd

Virgo, thankfully this month will be a calm one for you. Your type-A personality has likely been driven crazy by all the events of the school year, but now as we get to May, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. All of the stress and hard work you’ve dealt with for the past eight months is almost over! May will be a good month for Virgos to decompress– spend time with friends, go to the beach, play with puppies, whatever brings you joy.


Libra: September 23rd-October 22nd

Libra, put your energy this month into something that will benefit the world, and you will be rewarded. Consider volunteering, donating, or doing something that will bring your humanitarian side joy. This is a good way for your sign to destress, since you may feel particularly high strung this May. This will likely be due to you stretching yourself too thin, so be careful of what you promise others.


Scorpio: October 23rd-November 21st

Jupiter is currently in retrograde under Scorpio, which may seem frightening but will actually bring you a time of reflection. The largest planet being in retrograde under your zodiac will cause change in your life, and you may need to inspect your decisions and rethink the way you are going about your life. Jupiter will give you the opportunity to think about these things and apply new habits to your life. Take this significant astrological event as a time to make change.


Sagittarius: November 22nd-December 21st

This month will be relatively stagnant for you, which may be either a good or a bad thing. Not much will happen in the realm of change, which could give you the opportunity to be social, productive, or take up a new hobby. Stagnation can actually benefit people born under the busy-body sign of Sagittarius, since it will give you time to step back and take a look upon your life. Use this time to recharge yourself before a busy summer.


Capricorn: December 22nd-January 19th

Retrograde once again! This month– and until September, Capricorn will have Saturn going station retrograde. This brings along the cumulation of “karma”: what you do will be returned. If you have committed acts of goodness and care in the past few months, it will likely be returned under Saturn retrograde. If you have been deceiving or dishonest however, you will experience quite the opposite. There are two signs to the Saturn coin, and its main result this month will be a return of your deeds in the past.