It Gets Better

Grace Shaw, Writer

     Why do we refrain from the help we so desperately long for? It’s a loaded question, I know, but there is no way to determine why a person who’s so deeply broken doesn’t get help. To some people, their pain and sadness are rooted so far down for so long that it’s the only thing they’re familiar with. So in a way, their aim is comforting, a safe space for them. Some people would rather sit twitching in the comfort of their hurt than go out and get help because it is so new. Getting help is equivalent to trying a foreign food, it’s crazy and unfamiliar, even painful. 

     There are unlimited ways to help yourself, it’s all just personal preference on what your body best responds to. Finding what’s right for your body isn’t a short process, it could take a long time because you have to find something that brings you peace and balance. Therapy is always a good place to start, you get to talk to someone confidentially and receive advice or techniques on how to cope with your mental health. Before I gave any form of coping a chance, therapy was the one deal-breaker. It was the one thing I constantly refused to do because I was convinced that it was pointless to just give someone money to listen to you. That isn’t the case though, you need to find someone who you’re comfortable with, someone who uses the right techniques for your body, it’s not just sitting and talking. It’s a relieving feeling being able to talk to someone you know won’t judge or exploit you. Therapy isn’t for everyone though, it’s not the only option, you could self-medicate, or get a prescription for the mental illness that needs to be treated. 

     Medication is an even harder step than therapy for some. People don’t like the thought of taking medication to keep you sane and happy, it’s a hard thing to comprehend even though it’s your own body. There are countless medications that all treat different things and have different side effects, and that’s the hardest part. Going through medication after, medication to find one that doesn’t make you feel worse than when you started, can make you drowsy, more depressed, gain weight, lose weight, or suicidal even. It’s a gamble in the way that you have to just hope that it’s going to work after the first month. To have medication take effect though you need to be open-minded to it and allow it to work instead of being reluctant towards it.

     To get help, means to be ready for it, help doesn’t force its way into your brain, you need to allow yourself to feel better and be open to various ways of help. It is a huge step for people who are struggling because to confront or realize that there is hurt means you become aware of yourself and the opportunities out there for you to get help. This means that you are reaching that breakthrough point where all the weight and anger will slowly but surely be lifted off of you.